A Wee Act of Providence

This was my gran’s catch phrase.  She said it regularly and as a kid, I wasn’t sure what it meant.  Sadly, my Gran, who was my best friend and confidante during my adolescence and young adulthood, died in 1990 just before our first son was born and at that time, my faith wasn’t what it is now.  Boy, do I wish Gran was around today to talk about those “wee acts of providence” I’ve seen throughout my life.

As the years have passed and my faith has developed so that I feel closer to God, I have been able to look back and see those places where He was with me, often when I didn’t realize it.

How many times have you been in need of comfort or support and the phone has rung and the sound of your best friend’s voice comes on the other end?  You thought, “how did she know I needed to talk to someone right now?”  This has happened to me countless times; during times I just needed a friend, when I was worried about a sick relative or friend, when I had concerns about my children and needed advice – you’ve probably experienced this too.

Even in the little things; like when this pandemic began and there was information that only one over-the-counter medicine would help resulting in panic-buying.  My daughter, who was away at college, went out to her local drug store to get some for herself.  When she got to the shelf at the store it looked empty but then she bent down to check the back of the shelf, guess what?  Yes!  There was 1 lonely box of that particular pain medication left, just waiting for her.

Another wee act of providence might be when you don’t have much money in your wallet and getting ready to go out to the store you decide to put on a different pair of pants or a jacket you haven’t worn in a while and “voila”!  You put your hand into a pocket only to find certain dollar bills in there which are just the right amount for what you’ll be buying on your errand.

You see, these aren’t accidents, they are God’s providence at work in daily life.

Can you recount any incidents like this?

May you experience God’s providence in your life today.

“Grace and favor you granted me, and your providence has preserved my spirit.” [Job 10:12]

Peace & blessings,
