Shorts Circuit

In an early blog post I mentioned God being in the smallest details of life.  I recently had one of those experiences and thought I would share it with you.  Once again it seems so ironic that in these days of uncertainty and strife, there are still those small moments in life when God whispers in our ears and tells us He is right beside us.  Even as a person of faith and belief, it seems outrageous that God would concern himself with something so very small and insignificant.

I hate clothes shopping.  There aren’t many things I “hate” in life, and I don’t like to use that word, but buying clothes for myself is one thing I can describe that way.  I don’t do it very often as a result but I did need summer clothes this year so in June I went out to replace what was worn out or didn’t fit.  As usual, it took lots of looking, a long time putting on and pulling off clothes I didn’t like at all, before I hit on the things that were passable.  One was a pair of shorts which fell into the category of what I now call “old lady clothes”, i.e. elastic, stretchy and not pinching anywhere.   Ladies, those of you in my age bracket, we’re all about comfort and ease and not so much about fashion statement, right?  Are you with me?! 

In the last couple of years, one of my friends and I have taken to gifting ourselves with a little time away for some R&R at some point in the summer.  We like to say this is our birthday gift to ourselves and each other and so it was that we had a short trip to a hotel close to the beach with a swimming pool and the simple amenities we needed.  We didn’t need to take much with us and casual was the way to go, especially in the scorching heat.  I donned my new, comfy shorts, packed my bathing suit and beach stuff, picked up a light dinner and set off for our mini-break.

The first order of the evening was getting into the pool so I changed right away.  When I set the shorts on the top of the dresser I remember thinking to myself, “don’t put them in the drawer because you’ll forget to pack them”.  Of course this went right out of my head immediately as I hit the pool to wait for the arrival of my friend.  We got in the pool again, took in some deep breaths and relaxed into our soothing surroundings.  The old adage, “a change is as good as a rest” did the trick and we both slipped into relaxation mode as we swam about.

We ended our break the next evening after a lovely afternoon at the beach with dinner at a tranquil restaurant which had a soothing atmosphere and good food – still talking and laughing as we ate.  After our bellies and hearts were satisfied, we headed to our cars for the journey to our respective homes.

Well, I’m sure you know what’s coming.  Unpacking my suitcase, emptying it, I discovered my shorts weren’t there.  What did I do with them?  I realized we pretty much stayed in our bathing suits the whole day until dinner. So what happened to them?  I searched the car, my beach bag and – even though I knew it was futile – my overnight bag once again.  Nope, no shorts.  I couldn’t believe I’d lost them.  I only wore them once!  I was also mad at myself because when I got them it was the last pair in my size so I figured I wouldn’t be able to replace them.  What should I do?

Next morning I called our hotel.  Voicemail.  I left a message asking if they had found my shorts.  As my brain began waking up, I thought about another friend who lives in a town not too far from where we stayed.  When I called her, she was on the road.  Guess where?  Not too far from our hotel, within about 20 minutes.  I relayed my dilemma and she immediately offered to swing by the place to pick them up.  Having not heard whether the shorts had been found I said I’d try the hotel again, let them know someone could pick them up and call her back.  I called the hotel a second time.  Voicemail.  I repeated myself this time saying that my friend could swing by to pick up the shorts rather than their having to send them to me.  I called my friend again to let her know I left another message.  While we’re talking, another call came in.  I checked the number.  It’s the hotel.  I put my friend on hold and talked to the lady who told me she had them (she asked me to describe them) and that it’s fine for my friend to stop by.  When I get back to my girlfriend and relate my conversation with the hotel keeper she says, “Oh, I wonder who made THAT happen?!! 

I laughed at her statement as well as her delivery.  God had indeed orchestrated that moment.  My friend was already on the road and what had seemed to be problematic was configured and timed exactly right.  No one else could have orchestrated things in such an exacting way.  Later, my friend texted me, “mission accomplished”.  I smiled again.

So, if you think God is not in the small details of life, remember this little story.

What about you?  When have you noticed things falling into place at just the right time?

There are many scriptures indicating that God cares for us.  I encourage you to look up the ones I mention below as well as seeking out some more which might be comforting to you and meditate on the entire passage taken in context.  See how God speaks to your heart in the quiet.  He always has a specific message for each of us within the words of scripture.

The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity
Exodus 34:6
Cast all your worries upon Him because He cares for you
Peter 5:7
The Lord is on high but cares for the lowly
Psalm 138: 6
Like a shepherd He feeds His flock; in His arms He gathers the lambs, carrying them in His bosom and leading the ewes with care
Isaiah 40:11
Lord, you have probed me, you know me: you know when I sit and stand, you understand my thoughts from afar
Psalm 139:1-2
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want
Psalm 23:1

Peace & Blessings,
