A Lesson in Trust

So, I had to facilitate a group on Zoom this week and was preparing and organizing things throughout last week.  I had a couple of big problems.  Firstly, me and technology aren’t friends.   When hosting a Zoom meeting I have problems EVERY time.  Sometimes I can’t get into the meeting and the attendees are waiting and wondering where I am.  Other times my video either doesn’t work at all or I show on an all green screen.  Lime green.  Yucka!  

Then, during the days after sending out the invitation, the group grew and grew to over 20 participants.  Part of this workshop is allowing attendees time to answer questions on the material.  I was anticipating difficulties: 

I had an idea!  What if I split the group into two and we had half the members in each making the time element a non-issue – everyone gets ample time to speak and share and we don’t go overly long?  

I asked 5 people.  They all said “no

The evening before I asked the 5th person a thought crossed my mind as I pondered my dilemma.  Maybe the group is supposed to meet all together and not be split up?

While talking to the 5th person, included in our conversation (on a different topic) was a discussion about discerning the things that God wants, how He wishes us to be and to do.  I found myself saying, “maybe God is trying to teach me something”? 

And there it was.  The answer.

“Not MY will, but YOURS be done

As soon as this thought came to me, I knew what God was saying to me.  I needed to TRUST Him.  I am not in control.  He knows what is best.  I felt myself relaxing and the worry about the outcome of the meeting and workshop lifting.  It was gone.  By putting my trust in God I could let it go and not feel the pressure.

I had a structure for the workshop in mind (much of it laid out in the book we are using) so when the evening came I went with it.  Can you guess what happened?  Right!  No technological issues AT ALL, everyone had time to share and answer the questions posed and the meeting lasted under 70 minutes!  

The old me would have been surprised but nowadays, when I remember or pay attention, I know better.  When I let go and trust in God, listen to what He’s trying to tell me and let Him take charge, life just works better, the way it’s supposed to and all is well.


The Lord's Prayer