The Breakfast Club

“A Sweet Friendship Refreshes the Soul”

                                                     Proverbs 27:9

The Breakfast Club arrived on my doorstep in their pajamas shortly after the birth of my daughter, our 3rd child, to cook breakfast, promising to listen for the baby while I took a shower, all with much chatter and loving encouragement.

First day of school breakfast was where our name came from, of which there were many; over the years our friendship deepened and grew.  We added birthdays and holidays, emergency therapy sessions, mental health days and girls’ weekends, not to mention dozens of phone calls between us.  Through the journey of life, the four of us cheered one another in triumphs, cried through the heartaches and laughed often.

In today’s times of confinement, we all need to connect with someone we can count on.  If you are feeling isolated or alone, reach out to someone today.  I know God has provided you with at least ONE person who can be your cheerleader or companion.

Send up a prayer and ask that, if you don’t know who to reach out to at this very moment, your phone will ring or your doorbell will sound and the very person you need will be there ready to support you in whatever capacity you need.

I pray that you have or will find your Breakfast Club so you know God’s love for you through them.  I thank God for my sisters in Christ who think of me, pray for me and encourage me through all the days and events of my life.

Since writing this blog, I have seen many articles about an increase in depression, anxiety and mental health issues in general due to the pandemic and its effects.  Below are two phone numbers to hold on to, use or pass on as needed.

The National Alliance on Mental Health (24 hr helpline) – 800-950-6264

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24 hr phone line) – 800-273-8255

Please reach out if you need a friend or need some help.

May your life be blessed with good friends who share love, laughter and tears with you.

Peace & Blessings,
